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Showing posts with label paleo diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paleo diet. Show all posts


How Paleo Diet Is Diffrent From Other Diets?

Agriculture has introduced wide-sweeping changes in the way we eat today,
yet our genes have not changed as rapidly.

Our bodies are still designed for the high-protein, low-carbohydrate food consumption pattern of our hunter gatherer ancestors. 
This means we are genetically ill-equipped to handle the high-carbohydrate, low-protein diet of modern times.


Believe it or not our body needs proteins for basic functioning, here are some of the proteins jobs:
  • Antibodies defend the body from germs.
  • Contractile proteins are responsible for movement.
  • Enzymes speed up chemical reactions.
The paleo diet is maintaining the necessery amount of protein our body needs.


Carbohydrates are digested and broken down by the body, they are converted into glucose (blood sugar), which is then used or stored as energy.
Basically there are two types of carbohydrates simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates.
The simple carbohydrates is the foods that makes us gain weigh not to mention causes tooth decay, mood swings, hunger, lack of concentration, diabetes and hyperactivity, especially in children.
The commplex carbohydrates are much better for our body thay are the best energy source and also contain plenty of vitamins and fibre, which are essential nutrients for the body.

Paleo diet is about knowing how to make the right balance between those two types of carbohydrates without preventing ourselves the things we love to eat!


I know all the diet and losing weight commercials tell us lose weight burn caloreis and LOSE ALL YOUR FAT!
The fat in our boby has alot of essential work!
Here are just some of the fats responsibilities:
  • Fats carry the fats soluble vitamins A, D, E and K into the body and help in the absorption of these vitamins in the intestines. 
  • fats help in forming structural material of cells and tissues such as the cell membrane.
  • supplying energy.
The paleo diet will provide the body with a higher proportion of fat than the
average Western diet which provides for an additional health benefit as this
is the body’s preferred energy source and is what will help the body perform

Omega 3 & Omega 6

Many fundamental biochemical processes in our bodies still require those fatty acids.
The consumption of omega-3 fatty acids in the modern diet is substantially
lower than that of omega-6 fatty acids.
Omega-3’s are known to benefit the human body in many ways. Some say omega-3 fatty acids were key factors in increasing the brain size.
omega-6 ratio is important for physical as well as mental health, including but not limited too immune system strength, cardiovascular system strength and a healthy digestive system.

paleo diet pyramid
Paleo diet pyramid

One of the most effective dietary solutions to the health problems we face today can be found within the power within the paleo diet. It is necessary for good health to restore the high-protein, high-fat, and low-carbohydrate balance and to regain the quality of the nutrients which has been lost in modern day food processing and farming. By striving to duplicate the nutritional intake of our hunter gatherer ancestors, the paleo diet enables us to have a clear path towards transforming physical and internal health.


Broccoli, Bacon and Cashew Salad


1 broccoli, cut into florets and stalk diced
3 rashes of bacon, fat removed, diced
½ cup toasted cashews
1tbs oil


Boil broccoli in water on high heat for 5‐7minutes or until tender and cooked through.
Remove water and place broccoli in a large serving bowl.
Cook bacon in a frying pan for 4‐5minutes or until crispy. Remove bacon from pan and
place into serving bowl along with broccoli and cashews. 

Combine well.




How to Use BMI?

BMI is a screening system to distinguish weight issues for adults. 
On the other hand, to confirm if overabundance weight is a health dangerous you might need to perform further tests. 
BMI evaluations may incorporate skinfold thickness estimations, assessments of eating methodology, physical action, family history, and other fitting health screenings.

What is BMI?

Form Mass Index (BMI) is a number figured from an individual's weight and stature. 
BMI is a decently dependable pointer of form body fatness for most individuals. 
BMI does not measure muscle to fat ratio ratios straight, yet research has indicated that BMI relates to control measures of muscle to fat ratio ratios, for example underwater weighing and double vigor x-beam absorptiometry (DXA).1, 2 BMI could be thought about an elective for immediate measures of muscle to fat ratio ratios. 
Moreover, BMI is an economical and straightforward-to-perform technique for screening for weight classes that may expedite health issues. 

What are proteins?

Proteins are large substances comprising of amino acids which our bodies and the units in our bodies need to function correctly. Our body organisations, purposes, the guideline of the body's cells, tissues and body parts will not exist without proteins. Our muscles, skin, skeletal parts and numerous other parts of the body contain important amounts of protein. Protein anecdotes for 20% of total body heaviness.

Enzymes, hormones and antibodies are proteins. Proteins furthermore work as neurotransmitters and carriers of oxygen in the blood (hemoglobin).

Imagine proteins as appliances; appliances which make all living things, from viruses, bacteria, butterflies, jellyfish, plants and humans function. The human body is made up of roughly 100 trillion cells - each one has a exact function. Each cell has thousands of distinct proteins, which simultaneously make the cell do its job - the proteins are tiny appliances inside the cell. Amino acids and proteins - protein is made up of amino acids; amino acids are the construction blocks of protein, there are 20 of them. envisage there are 20 different types of clay clay bricks, and a much larger number of different kinds of houses which we could name according to the way we blended the clay bricks (their sequence). The clay bricks are the amino acids and the houses are the proteins.

There are three types of nutrients that are essential as energy sources for the human body:

  1. Proteins   
  2. Carbohydrates         
  3. Fats

Problems with Excess Protein

  • Excess protein will be stored as fat.    
  • Without exercise, the fat will continue to increase.   
  • Excess protein may also result in osteoporosis and kidney stones.

One gram of protein or carbohydrate contains 4 calories, while one gram of fat has 9 calories.

protein types

The Benefits of The Paleo Diet

There are so numerous reasons why the Paleo Diet is beneficial to your general wellbeing.
 The Paleo Diet is the oldest human diet on record and limits foods to only those that Paleolithic man ate. Or, more simply, if you can murder it with a spear or pick it off a tree, vegetation or bush, you can eat it. These nourishment are what our ancestors dwelled and thrived on and vitally what our bodies developed to consume over millions of years. The Paleo Diet is furthermore mentioned to as the “Caveman Diet”, the “Hunter Gatherer Diet”, the “Stone Age Diet” and more romantically by some as “the Garden of Eden Diet”.

Here are just a few great causes to start incorporating the Paleo Diet into your life:

  1. Rises intake of branched chain amino acids (BCAA). This advantages sinew development and general anabolic function of your body.
  2. Decreases the Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio. It has been estimated that the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids in the diet of early humans was 1:1, but the ratio in the typical western diet is now nearly 10:1 due to increased use of vegetable oils wealthy in linoleic acid as well as decreased fish consumption. Expanding the relation plenty of Omega 3 fatty acids may have positive wellbeing advantages.
  3. Decreases tissue inflammation while promoting healing. This may include asthmatic situation common in athletes.
  4. Decreases body acidity. decreases the catabolic effect of acidosis on skeletal part and sinew while stimulating sinew protein synthesis. Acidosis is one of the major causes of reduced bone density. This is progressively important with aging.
  5. Is high in find nutrients. Vitamins and minerals are necessary for optimal health and long period recovery from workout. The most nutrient dense nourishment are vegetables and seafood. On mean, vegetables have almost two times the nutrient density of kernels.
  6. OVERWEIGHT! there are alot of health consequences to overweight. one of the grate benefits of paleo diet is that if you keep eating right you must loose weight becouse your boxy will stop accumulate junk, only the things your bod really needs. that means no more extra and unneccesery fats, Carbohydrates exc.

Here are added affirmative effects on your body:
  1. Directs to heaviness loss/control
  2. Reduces the risk of diseases such as fatness, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular infections, high body-fluid force, osteoporosis, anti-immune diseases, and colorectal cancerous diseaseous diseaseous disease
  3. Stops myopia, acne, and despondency
  4. Stops diseases relation to vitamin and mineral deficiency


What Is Paleo?

The paleolithic diet otherwise known as the 'caveman diet' is a diet based on the eating patterns of our most ancient hunter gatherer ancestors.
the 'caveman diet' ( 'the paleo diet' ) is based on consuming only those foods provided and available by nature. eat and live of the same food our ancestors obtained from hunting wild game and gathering diverse fruits, vegetables, plants, nuts, and seeds available over the seasons of the year.

Why the paleo diet is a BETTER lifesyle for us?

Human genes have not changed that much over the last thousand years to adapt to our new agriculture-based diet. In fact, our present genes are still 99.99% identical in makeup to those of our paleolithic ancestors.

If the 'caeman' diet worked better for our ancestors we can easly assume that the food our ancestors consumed remain to be the food best adapted to our metabolisms today. 

Research findings

some researches provide indications that hunter gatherers were very
healthy. They were taller, had better builds and bigger brains. Although
their life expectancy was shorter, deaths were often caused by outside
factors such as extreme weather conditions, accidents, infections, and
predatory animals. They did not suffer from chronic or degenerative
diseases such as diabetes, cancer or heart disease. These diseases emerged
only when we shifted to agriculture - modern diseases are the consequence
of civilization, the result of a mismatch of our genetic makeup and our

Paleolithic nutrition researcher Dr. Loren Cordain, PhD, provides the
following comparative daily nutritional intake of our ancestors and the
common western diet

 (% of diet)
Paleolithic Diet
Average Western


Is the paleo diet all about the food?

Our body, not so diffrent from a mechine, needs a complete care. 
we need to know what we put inside this machine, how to use it, how much to use it and how to prevent it from getting rusty.
It's not enought we know what is the best food as a source of energy is for it we also need to know how to use our body and how to use the energy to make our body stronger.
the paleo diet is talking mainly about what food is best for our body but to give our body the bast care we need also do some exercise to prevent rust and gain more power.
Our ancestors were physical challenges were extreme, some hunter gatherers would walk approximately 19km (12 miles) a day.
Our ancestors were always physically active. why can't we?

The paleo diet can be further characterized by the following:

• Caloric intake (around 65%), came from eating all the edible parts of
   vertebrate animals (wild game and fish).
• A significant part of our ancestors diet consisted of fresh fruits, plants,
   nuts, seeds, flowers, leaves, and bulbs. These were all consumed raw,
   which maximized the retention of nutrient rich content and diseasepreventing compounds. 
• Grains where never present in any significant quantity. Even though they
   where around, the grains and small seeds were never milled or ground
   into fine particles and cooked in order to be consumed safely.
• Sodium salt, when present, was in very minimal amounts.

what is paleo diet for me?

one of the most intriguing, fascinating diets that have come out in
recent years.
The paleo diet is the diet the human body is supposed to follow I'm not talking about loosing weight only! NOT like all the other diet plans. All the positive results gained from following the paleo diet are far beyond that. Its not just being thinner, it's about being and feeling healthier.

I am not a medical expert or nutritionist. The point of these posts are not to advocate for or discourage the food trends that they will cover. They are purely to provide some basic facts that are concrete and create a clearer picture of what paleo diet is all about since there is usually a lot of confusion surrounding them. They are here to serve as a reference if you didn’t quite understand these eating styles beforehand.